Catherine Parrill has over 30 years of experience in Haiti, disrupting the cycle of poverty through community-led initiatives. She brings to all work her expertise as an educator, experience as business leader and nonprofit founder, and her deep conviction that it is by learning from one another and our shared histories we can together right the wrongs of the past.
Fluent in English and in Haitian Kreyòl, Catherine facilitates dialogue, and fosters understanding and appreciation, and guides Haitian and American entities moving from traditional funder-recipient relationships into effective, transparent, and accountable locally led models tailored to each group’s specific needs, requirements, and objectives.
Catherine’s work has most often been with local Haitian Community Based Organizations addressing issues such as food insecurity, economic stability, water shortages, and education, while building a viable civil infrastructure with equal opportunity for all.
She offers thought leadership, case studies, tools, and processes that dismantle systemic oppression or dysfunction while empowering the people closest to the problem to decide upon and enact solutions that are best for their communities.
Through a relationship-building process designed to solve problems of social injustice and civic disenfranchisement, build trust and transparency and create systems of accountability, Catherine gently guides participants through each phase of the process from conception to conclusion.
She works closely with you to assure equity and equal opportunity, overcome
obstacles of corruption, inefficiencies or ineptitudes, and build economic stability and essential skills in the communities with which you partner. Systemic change isn’t easy. Catherine is here to help you over the hurdles.
Contact her today for a free consultation